You want to make money. You want the dollars to fall from the heavens like it’s monsoon season and you want to do it on your own terms.
In today’s network marketing for dummies crash course, we’re going to discuss what network marketing is and how to get started. We’ve got 3 tips to get your new business off the ground and headed straight for success.
Read on to find out what they are.
So what is network marketing? There’s a decent chance that you’ve never heard the phrase.
You’re probably more familiar with the term “multi-level marketing”.
The way this works is that you receive a commission based on your direct sales. You also receive a commission based on how many recruits you have and/or their sales numbers.
The exact payment formula varies from brand to brand. Do research in advance to become an expert and fast track your way to success.
Here is how to find the right gig for you:
There are a ton of MLMs out there. Pick a product you know. Not only that… pick a product you LOVE.
It should be something that you’re enthusiastic about. Something you’ve used in your life over and over again and would highly recommend to your friends and loved ones.
If you love makeup, check out Mary Kay. Got a thing for essential oils? Young Living is going to be right up your alley.
When you have a day off or the kids are asleep and the house is nice and quiet, what do you think about? That’s the product you sell.
So how do you sell this product?
All you really need is a computer with internet, a positive attitude, and a commitment to sell. Rural internet options will work just fine.
Leverage your friends and family. If they have similar hobbies, getting them to join your team or increase your sales is a great place to start.
From there, branch out into the online frontier to strike gold. Create a blog and corresponding social media outlets to funnel potential customers and clients to your website.
Get some business cards printed up with your name, what you’re hustling, and your website printed on the card. Hand these out casually like it’s no big deal. Word of mouth is still a powerful marketing tool.
Then get ready to take it to the next level.
It isn’t going to stop with a Facebook profile and a blog. MLMs host a variety of networking conferences all over the country.
Attending these will not only supply you with updated tips and tricks but will also give you the opportunity to expand your network and meet some new people.
That’s the real key to MLM. You need to constantly be meeting new people and making a great first impression.
So smile and focus on being the best you that you can be. The rest will come with time.
You need to be fast and calculating and ready to roll with the punches by being prepared for new product launches and large spikes in holiday web traffic.
That’s right. Even the strongest websites can buckle under too much pressure.
Once you’ve made it to the big leagues of network marketing, you are definitely going to need our services. Contact us to find out how you can benefit.
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